


• Before

“I didn’t feel that my branding really represented me or aligned with how I wanted my brand and my business to feel. I was really stuck on how to translate this into an actual brand that looked professional online and that really worked well together.”



• Approach

We rebranded the original “Get Found Online” logo and colours to the refreshed, clean and modern The SEO School® Brand.

Our keywords were: contemporary, urban, white space, turquoise and blues, approachable and fun.

The colours include the calming blues and aquas, lots of white space and the touches of pink for accent and femininity. The brand assets include fun hand drawn illustrations and a handwritten font also adding a personal touch.

The style of imagery is that of clean, clear open office settings and the beautiful blue and aqua ocean photography.

I worked with Karen to create the design and layout of her new website, containing a wealth of knowledge on everything SEO as well as the sales page for The SEO School® online course.

We created numerous eBooks, workbooks, social media images etc keeping the consistent look and feel of the brand.

SEO can be an overwhelming and unknown subject to some, so the feelings we are evoking are those of calmness, clarity and clean simple lines with a touch of fun. It is branded as Karen, so having a lot of photographs of Karen also shares her personality making it more approachable and knowing you are dealing with a real professional who is an expert in her field.

• Deliverables

+ Logo and brand guideline
+ Branding assets
+ Social media and advertising
+ eBook and lead magnet design
+ Website layout design
+ Sales page design

• After

“I love my brand and the website design. Someone said to me “I know your course will be good just by looking at your website” which I thought was a great comment as this proved to me that it did look super professional.

I am really proud or my website and all my branding and it makes it so much easier to move forward with parts of my project as I have all the brand assets that I need.”